Commando HQ Youtube The Ultimate Video SEO Software Suite – The Choice Is Yours Today!

Dear Friends,
You are about to discover some of the most powerful, unique and modern Video Marketing SEO strategies available today, but not only that…l will be creating them for months to come and they are automated, to make it push button simple to get fast rankings and increase traffic, conversions and add money in your bank account on Autopilot!
It’s no secret that Video and YouTube are the future of marketing online.
Since 2011 i have been deep in the trenches and creating, developing and testing new strategies that have been proven winners time and time again. In fact what ¡ am about to reveal to you on this page is some of the most powerful YouTube marketing techniques that you will EVER come across.
YouTube’s Robert Kynci, the head of global partnerships, took the stage at CES 2012 and made some big, bold claims that ought to get any video marketer’s engine running. Chief among them, that very soon 90% of all web traffic will be video. While you pick your jaw up off the floor, imagine the possibilities the future holds for you! (Source: http ://www. Il-web-traffic-wi I l-be-video/#ixzz2 LDc7ivQY )

90% Of All Web Traffic Will Be Video.
That’s Just A Huge, Gaudy Number Designed To Do One Thing:
Grab Your Attention. In My Case, At Least, Mission Accomplished!
But they didn’t stop there… there were a few more gems as welL Read On!
Kyncl said that in the next 10 years

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YouTube also logged a trillion hits in 2011. Yep…A trillion!.., with a “tr” in front. I love when YouTube drops statistical bombshells like this—and they always seem to do it in bunches, like a volley of artillery they always breathe new life into my Power Point presentations and sales copy

Video Or Die!

You don’t have to be told any clearer than that for. It means video is not only the content variety of the moment, it’s the content variety of the future for years to come. It means video is everything, and any business, big or small…that refuses to believe that is taking a huge risk of being forgotten.
Publishers are becoming brands, brands are becoming publishers.., and it’s all video (Source: http ://www. Il-web-traffic-wi I l-be-video/#ixzz2 LDc7ivQY )

Yep!…It seems that everyone is jumping onto video marketing these days with new courses coming out every week…In the past few weeks I have seen new products about YouTube Marketing for Offliners, Ad Agencies, SEO’s, Affiliate Marketers, List Builders and more!

Commando HQ Youtube The Ultimate Video SEO Software Suite pic 1YouTube marketing will eventually start to get harder but right now its still the wild west and if you jump on it now you can make a killing and fill your bank accounts with cash.
There are some extremely powerful software’s out there but most of these are scraping and spamming tools and they can be very dangerous as was witnessed a couple of months back when a load of people lost their Authority channels as YouTube cracked down on them.

In fact one of my customers and friend lost his channel with 1 million views and over 150,000 subscribers from using a software that is essentially a scraping and spamming tool…OUCH!
Was it there fault or was it a bug in the software system?
A little research will reveal exactly what happened and will make you think twice about using those types of tools as part of a long term YouTube marketing strategy.
Sure they can work short term but you are playing a numbers game and YouTube is cracking down on that so hard that its getting extremely expensive and repetitive to try and keep up!

Brand – New – Software
Save time, Save Effort, Save Money

Commando HQ Youtube The Ultimate Video SEO Software Suite

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